ic_worksheet Worksheets

If you have come here to imagine, design, create, test, and implement brilliant business models, then you have come to the right place!

Below are worksheets and activities that will help you on your brilliant business model journey.

  1. Click on a link to open a worksheet in Google Docs online in a new browser tab or window
  2. Once the template is open in Google Docs, choose "File --> Make a Copy" or "File --> Download As..." to create your own copy of the template to use and edit.
Note: You CANNOT edit the online template.

Part 1 - Business Model Basics

Part 2 - Business Model Elements

Part 3 - The “Right” Business Model

Worksheet 9.1:
Worksheet 10.1:
Worksheet 10.2:
Worksheet 11.2:
Worksheet 11.3:
Worksheet 11.4:

Part 4 - Business Model Innovation

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and on Amazon.co.uk: